Change of address

When you move you should advise a change of address, in which you inform Åland Post about your new address and that your current address is no longer valid. A permanent change of address is a free service.


  • you need to make your change of address at the latest three working days before moving to ensure your post arrives at the correct address directly after the move.
  • share your new address with others that may need it. This includes property companies, utility companies, and friends and relations.
  • newspapers (Ålandstidningen and Nya Åland) are not forwarded. If you are a subscriber you need to advise the newspapers' customer service departments about your change of address the day before you move, at the latest.
  • om du flyttar till eller från en adress på fastlandet eller i utlandet behöver du också meddela postoperatören där om du vill ha din post eftersänd.