When you move you should advise a change of address, in which you inform Åland Post about your new address and that your current address is no longer valid. A permanent change of address is a free service.
Statutory change of address notification
By law you are obliged to advise the Local Register Office a week after the moving date, at the latest, when::
- you make a permanent move from one residence to another
- your temporary move to another address is for longer than three months
A statutory change of address notification is made simply at the same time as you advise Åland Post about your change of address. You only need to tick the box for wishing to advise the Local Register Office about your new address when you register the change of address atMy page. We will then pass on the information automatically to the Local Register Office.
If, on the other hand, you are registered at your current address, but want your post to be forwarded to a new address, you should not tick the box for sending information to the Local Register Office. You can still be registered at one address, but have your post delivered to another address.
When you make your statutory notification of change of address your address information is saved in the national population data system administered by the Local Register Office. The data are then passed electronically from there to the authorities. Among others, the parishes, the Trafi vehicle and driver register, FPA, the tax office and armed forces get access to your new address. Many pensions offices, banks, insurance companies, organisations, newspaper publishers and other companies also receive access to the new address data directly from the population data system.
Åland Post also forward address changes to business customers who have agreed to the information service. This means that a company will receive information about your new address in case they send something to you with your old previous address information.
When you make a permanent change of address, Åland Post will forward the following free of charge::
- Moving within Åland: Letters (Priority and Economy), cards and postal packages for 12 months
- Moving within Finland: Letters, cards and postal packages for 1 month.
All overseas forwarding is subjected to a charge. To order this service you need to be in regular contact with one of Åland Post's service points.
Extended forwarding
Ordering the paid-for additional service for extended forwarding gives you::
- Moving within Åland: All post, i.e. even bulk letters and journals, forwarded for 12 months.
- Moving to Finland: Letters, cards and postal packages forwarded for 12 months.
If, when you are approaching the end of your 12 month period, you feel that you need more time to redirect all your post to your new address you can extend forwarding by another 12 months by contacting one of our service points.
All overseas forwarding is subjected to a charge. To order this service you need to be in regular contact with one of Åland Post's service points.
- Price listfor changes of address and forwarding of post