The service Own delivery location means that you allow Åland Post the authorisation to sign for and deliver a delivery package in a location you have nominated for occasions when you are not able to receive the package personally. For example, you can have your package left on the steps even if you are not at home.
The service is free and applies from the date you state on the application. However, this must be a minimum of three working days following the submitted application.
When you make your application, it is important to state everyone living at that address, as well as the name of the companies you wish to participate in the service.
Note that you will need a new authorisation when the service comes to an end. Each agreement is for a maximum of three years, after which you must log in to My page and re-register for the service.
- the delivery location you choose must be easily accessible, weather-proof and secure.
- the service only applies to shipments where the sender has chosen to include delivery.